How does the RAC Process work?

You should not have to redo, in a formal educational setting, any learning you may have already acquired on the job or through life experience.

Together with a content specialist from your trade, we’ll discover what you already know and what is the best way to develop any missing elements based on the program of study from your trade.

Once we have created your plan, you will work with your content specialists to complete activities while they observe and assess your skills. If you are missing a skill or need a review, your content specialist can provide you with tutorials, reading material, or exercises to complete on your own time.

It should be noted that is some centres, if you are missing a skill it might be recommended that you take the full competency in the program and in turn,  would require the prerequisites for the program to be able to do so.

The ideal RAC Candidate (that’s you!) is self-motivated and can learn independently.

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